Mon 27 Jan
🔥👅 i guarantee complete satisfying dates, NON-RUSHED relaxing FUN! 💋👀❤ - 20
(Incall or Outcall, San Marcos)
🔥👅 i guarantee complete satisfying dates, NON-RUSHED relaxing FUN! 💋👀❤ - 20
(Incall or Outcall, San Marcos)
$ 50 InCaLL SpEciaL => SeXy EbOnY NyMpHo => Available Now => $ 60 OuTCaLL SpEciaL - 21
(45 South/Beltway 8)
👄👄 50 LuNcH sPeCiAL ~ ~ i StArT tO dO tRiCkS aS SooN aS iT tOuChEs My LiPs !! 🍌👄👄 ~ Incall - 24
(59s, beechnut, City of Houston, Houston)
HOTTIES FOR HIRE! 100%real and recent pictures. cash/credit. - 21
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1 hour radius)washington, cranberry)
I'm 🔙 yes its Titanium the ones that know me already know 😘 - 25
(Philadelphia, chew ave Washington lane)
BBW Film Star Wendy with the SUPER Size 75 " Vanilla Booty is BACK!! - 35
(North Jersey, Newark Airport/InCall)
Lisa Marie...Available Now - 9pm...In-call Private Residence...York pa - 30
(York, Shiloh, York, Pennsylvania.)
***--- Beautiful Blonde Bombshell ---*** SPECIALS RUNNING - 21
(North Jersey, Meadowlands NJ - IN CALLS ONLY)
► Beautiful Young Petite Italian GFE Playmate Khloe! 100% me or its free!!
(rutherford/meadowlands In/Outcall)
BEAUTIFUL BARBIE Brunettes just Arrived ~ Italian, Venezualan, and Brazilian girls ~~1OO specials - 22
(North Jersey, little ferry / richfield / so hackensack)
💞💞 ______ B R U N E T T E ______________ 💞 ___________ B O M B S H E L L ______ ______________ 💞💞 - 21
(North Jersey, UNION / SPRINGFIELD / RT 22)
Barbie! 💋💋 SEXXY HOTTIE ------ ... PERFECT BOOBS.... 💋💋💋 ExOtic Goddess. !! 💋💋 - 24
(North Jersey, PARAMUS/ rt 17)
❤290&34th❤ Se Habla Español❤ Call Me you Wont Regret It ❤ 290&34th❤ Call for Information❤❤❤❤❤ - 23
(Houston, 290/ 34th & magnum call me im worth it !)
@_BBW@_@_@... BLONDE @ BUSTY @ CUTIE I do What sHe WonT ► AMAZING body ❤ let me seduce you :-) ❤ - 23
(North Jersey, Red bank/Tinton falls)
AWESOME SPECIALS♥ Sweet & Fun • Hottie with a Rockin Body!!! {100% REAL}•☆XOXO - 27
(North Jersey, Newark, OUTCALLS TO NYC)
*** Be AuTiFuL *** ((YoUnG)) *** PLaYm aTe *** - 19
Available Only for Upscale Caucasian Generous Gentlemen.... Classy Upscale Companion/Sexy& Sweet - 28
(North Jersey, Ur PlACE- Caucasian men35&up; only)
2 exotic Bad Bitchez .....( With da Best SkillZ )Thro@t To Kill FOR> call now - 21
(Houston, 45/1960 serving all northwest areas)
👋 Fellas, Yandi Here Fresh💦 & New💃 Independent Red ❤️ Bone Flawlessly Figured Only One ☎️☎️Call Away🏃 - 20
(Philadelphia, Kensington)
Exotic -Freaks- For Petite & Thick Lovers - $$ Specials $$ $$$ Double Trouble - 22
(Philadelphia, Germantown)
Be AuTiFuL ExOtic PLaYm aTe - GREAT FLAT RATE------ - 25
Chocolate Cherry!!! Come taste the Excitement!! $60 Short Stay - 21
(Philadelphia, City Line Ave/Incall Only)
2CHOCOLATE HUNNIES ==B L A C K.. D A Q U I R I & J. C. »look« - 19
(Houston, galleria outcall all morning)
▓▒░ 【 DREAM AsianS!!】░▒ ▓ 【 HEAVENLY TABLE SHOWER】 ░▒ ▓▒░【 TOP QUALITY Relaxation】 ░ 570-223-8009 ▒ - 23
(Poconos, East Stroudsburg, Near Pocono Resorts)
♥ ThE *BEST* iS BACK n BETTER!! {{WeLL- ReViEwEd}} BrOnZe BeAuTy w/ a B(o)(o)tY!!! ♥ - 25
([[____meadowlands RT.3_______]])
AMAZING °* ஐ *° SKILLS °* ஐ *° AND °* ஐ *° EXOTIC °* ஐ *° MOVES - 24
(North Jersey, WAYNE, fairfield *INCALLS ONLY*)
AMAZING REVIEWS ~~~ Busty Italian ~~ Every Mans Dream Girl ~~~~~ Amazing Girl Friend Type !!!!!!! - 24
(North Jersey, Meadowlands INCALL)
&&&&&&&&&& :::::: NEW! -- VIP ASIAN GIRLS -- OUTCALL &&&& === 201-620-0111 -- - 22
(North Jersey, new jersey.outcall)
★--->█ ———— DON'T PASS UP THIS ——█——— NEW PICS ———█ —— SEXY BRUNETTE—— ★ - 20
(North Jersey, Clifton/Passiac/Patterson/Secaucus/NNJ)
______♥♥♥♥♥ ___ ALL AMERICAN IRISH Gal ______♥♥♥ SeXy Red He@d,,Sparkling Greens ☆☆☆☆☆ - 25
(North Jersey, Outcall Jersey-)
100 EXQUISITE🌟 ☆ 💔💎BEAUTY💎☆ 👣Come👣😉 Indulge😉💋 In 💋☆💥Pure💥 ☆💕 ✨Satisfaction ✨💕☆ - 26
(45 n FM 1960, City of Houston, Houston)
80$ •*"*• ♥SuPeR ~Sexy Ebony ~ Crazy Curv€s Crazy SkiIIs Wow!! - 23
(North Jersey, »» I COME TO YOU ««)
cuum c tasha get real w*t sit back&watch; me slob the deck@608*572*3613 - 29
(Madison, e.side madison)
80 SPECIALº(¯`'• (¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) ---SweeT :::: SeXXy ::Exotic:: HoTTiE 80$$ - 21
🇵🇷60QV⌛️20minust special TEXT📱📲2016819202 - 21
(Newark, North Bergen Tonnelle Ave Rt 1/9, North, North Jersey)
$225 special S_U_L_T_R_Y ——Seductive— _E_X_O_T_I_C— L_A_T_I_N_A— *K_I_T_T_E_N* -VISITING - 22
(Jersey City, North Jersey, OUTCALL)
2 Girl Special (Head Special) INCALLS ONLY - 22
(North Jersey, Union...Hillside...Elizabeth...Maplewood)
* *~ [[ 1oO% ~ RAL]] ~ $PECIAL$ *~ [[ EXOTiC ]] & [[ ßÂUi FUL ]]~* *~[[ SuPr SX¥! ]] - 26
(North Jersey, in/outcall)
$ 100 SpeCials♥ █▬▬ ► UPSCALE HOTTTiE ◄▬▬ ✻Independent ▬▬ ✻FeTish Friendly ◄▬ ♥ █ ▬UP ALL NIGHT ♥ ►◄ - 20
(North Jersey, Clifton Incall only)
100 Outcall Specials ((( 2 SMOKIN' HOT PLAYMATES ))) 100 Outcall $PECIALS - 22
(North Jersey, (OUTCALLS NEW JERSEY 24/7 CALL4242985213)
100 $ ★ (( BRAND NEW )) ◆ Nicaraguan Bombshell ◆ ((READY TO PLAY)) ★ Call Now!! - 21
(North Jersey, Secaucus .... Meadowlands..!!! CALL NOW)
NeW PICS❤❤NeW LOoK❤SPECIAL ❤🍒 2 P0PZ 2oo🍒❤ Super Sexy Italian❤BacKYarD PlaY❤ Tessa ❤READY NOW - 28
(Hoboken / Union City, Jersey City, Newark, North bergen / meadowland area, North Jersey)